Immunisation week is this week (1-7 May) but every week is important when it comes to insuring teenagers and older children are immunised.

“Ensuring teenagers and older children are immunised”.

Those born during the 1990s and early 2000s may have missed out on measles and other important immunisations because they were born before the National Immunisation Register reminded health professionals and parents when immunisations were due.

The Ministry of Health’s overarching key messages are below.

  1. Make sure your teen is up-to-date with all their immunisations.
  2. Immunisation at age 11–12 provides ongoing protection against tetanus, HPV and other serious diseases.
  3. Many teenagers missed out on measles immunisation as young children and need protection now against outbreaks.
  4. The National Immunisation Schedule is changing to include the chickenpox immunisation for some children. Talk to your family doctor or practice nurse for more information.